- /quantarctica/Quantarctica/Basemap/Miscellaneous/

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6/21/2013 9:06 AM 1161 10dg_graticules.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 10dg_graticules.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5383 10dg_graticules.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 114272 10dg_graticules.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 420 10dg_graticules.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 811 15dg_graticules.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 15dg_graticules.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5376 15dg_graticules.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 57268 15dg_graticules.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 308 15dg_graticules.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 10161 1dg_graticules.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 1dg_graticules.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5366 1dg_graticules.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 1402100 1dg_graticules.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 3300 1dg_graticules.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 363 1st_ReadMe_ADD.txt
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5369 1st_ReadMe_ADD_Antarctic Digital Database Version 6-0.htm
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 315 1st_ReadMe_COMNAP_Facilities.txt
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 74420 1st_ReadMe_COMNAP_Facilities_Antarctic Information - Home.htm
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 79360 1st_ReadMe_COMNAP_Facilities_Antarctic_Facilities_List_1April2012.xls
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 76396 1st_ReadMe_MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica (MOA) Image Map.htm
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 358 1st_ReadMe_MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica (MOA) Image Map.txt
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 12709 1st_ReadMe_MODIS Mosaic of Antarctica (MOA) Image Map_Use and Copyright.htm
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 385 1st_ReadMe_SCAR_PlaceNames.txt
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 20874 1st_ReadMe_SCAR_PlaceNames_Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3-0.htm
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 163557 1st_ReadMe_SCAR_PlaceNames_SCAR Composite Gazetteer.htm
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 661 20dg_graticules.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 20dg_graticules.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5372 20dg_graticules.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 48772 20dg_graticules.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 260 20dg_graticules.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 486 30dg_graticules.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 30dg_graticules.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5408 30dg_graticules.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 28300 30dg_graticules.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 204 30dg_graticules.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 505 30min_latitude_graticules.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 385 30min_latitude_graticules.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 2522 30min_latitude_graticules.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 233380 30min_latitude_graticules.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 420 30min_latitude_graticules.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 2161 5dg_graticules.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 5dg_graticules.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5378 5dg_graticules.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 223280 5dg_graticules.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 740 5dg_graticules.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 186 AntarcticCircle.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 AntarcticCircle.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 64 AntarcticCircle.qix
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5073 AntarcticCircle.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5948 AntarcticCircle.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 108 AntarcticCircle.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 114670 COMNAP_ListedFacilities.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 COMNAP_ListedFacilities.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 4380 COMNAP_ListedFacilities.qix
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 6102 COMNAP_ListedFacilities.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 2928 COMNAP_ListedFacilities.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 908 COMNAP_ListedFacilities.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 110 Frame.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 Frame.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 64 Frame.qix
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 2495 Frame.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 17420 Frame.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 108 Frame.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 46273 GeneralNames.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 GeneralNames.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5484 GeneralNames.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 1360 GeneralNames.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 460 GeneralNames.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 71372 MOA_Antarctica.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 385 MOA_Antarctica.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 4220 MOA_Antarctica.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 763396 MOA_Antarctica.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5748 MOA_Antarctica.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 37446101 SCAR_PlaceNames.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 SCAR_PlaceNames.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 1494092 SCAR_PlaceNames.qix
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 2635 SCAR_PlaceNames.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 605 SCAR_PlaceNames.qpj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 1031060 SCAR_PlaceNames.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 294660 SCAR_PlaceNames.shx
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 1355 SCAR_PlaceNames_FullNarrative.gfs
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 28575356 SCAR_PlaceNames_FullNarrative.gml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 29489 UTM_Zones.dbf
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 373 UTM_Zones.prj
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 4364 UTM_Zones.qix
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 5737 UTM_Zones.qml
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 1014788 UTM_Zones.shp
6/21/2013 9:06 AM 2020 UTM_Zones.shx